How to Cosplay as Cloud Strife with a Buster Sword Replica

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If you’ve ever played Final Fantasy VII, then the name Cloud Strife should ring a bell. He’s the game’s iconic main character and has been popular in video game culture since the game’s initial release in 1997. Cosplaying, a portmanteau of the words “costume” and “play,” involves a person dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, particularly the Japanese genres of manga or anime.

It’s a popular hobby and has been on the rise in the last 20 years.Cosplaying as Cloud Strife from the Final Fantasy series requires dedication, creativity, and attention to detail. This guide will provide a step-by-step approach to creating an authentic and impressive Cloud Strife cosplay. You will learn how to replicate his signature weapon, the Buster Sword, a large broadsword that symbolizes his strength and resolve.

You will also discover how to craft or acquire his distinctive attire and accessories, such as his gloves, boots, and spiky blond hair. Moreover, you will get tips on how to embody Cloud’s personality and expressions, which are often aloof, confident, and heroic. Let’s turn the fantasy into reality!

Cloud Strife as an iconic character from the Final Fantasy series.

Cloud Strife is the main protagonist in the Final Fantasy VII series. Portrayed as a former member of the notorious “Soldier” group, Cloud’s cold appearance and I-don’t-care attitude make him one of the most popular and intriguing characters in the Final Fantasy universe.

His relationship with the series’ main villain, Sephiroth, and his friends make him not only interesting, but also a deep and dynamic character. Due to his huge popularity amongst fans, Cloud has made appearances in other titles such as “Itadaki Street” and “Super Smash Brothers”.

Besides his (almost) absolute popularity, Cloud, surprisingly, is also one of the very first characters in the Final Fantasy series to be provided with voice lines in the 2002 game, “Kingdom of Hearts”. This enhances his reputation and standing as an iconic character both in and out of his own series.

Funnily enough, in “Kingdom of Hearts”, Cloud Strife is the name that he is usually known for in the English language. However, his name in the Japanese version is “Kuraudo Sutoraifu”, which is a phonetic translation for Cloud Strife.

This helps to show how his characteristic is maintained when he is expanded into different language markets. He is often accompanied by his Buster Sword, his signature weapon, which is also iconic in the Final Fantasy series. This sword, combined with his distinctive handling style, has also become one of his trademarks as well.

Introduction to cosplay and the appeal of embodying favorite characters.

Cosplay has become one of the most popular and well-acknowledged acts of fan participation within the spheres of comic, anime, film, gaming, and other types of fandoms. As a result of the increasing popularity of cosplay, many people have acknowledged the appeal and pleasure that comes from emulating and essentially becoming their favored characters.

group of cosplayers in colorful costumes at an indoor event.

Many individuals who participate in cosplay, particularly those who create their own costumes, express admiration and devotion to a particular character or work through the demonstration of their cosplay skill. This kind of fan practice transforms the passive process of simply receiving and understanding a celebrated work and art into an active and resourceful experience that continually uses creative potentials.

It is particularly prominent for those who have been rejected or criticized by the mainstream cultural scene; hence, cosplay and the interactive relationship it demonstrates between the player and the game has been recognized as an act of notably powerful subversion against the standard constructions and expectations of video gaming and society.

There are people who may have perfect outfits, but they might not express the full enjoyment of cosplay due to personal-related issues such as being self-conscious and afraid of exposing their hobbies and practices to the public.

However, the enormous traction of the appeal of cosplay to people across the globe means that the fun, acceptance, and supportive atmosphere found in activities like conventions and photoshoots will overtake the negative impression over time.

This is significantly enhanced by the positive reception of discovering like-minded and enthusiastic fans, being able to share and recognize each other’s costumes, and knowing that the countless hours of effort spent in order to create a cosplay outfit are cherished and affirmed by many other fans as well.

Understanding Cloud Strife’s Character

Cloud Strife is a central character in the universe of Final Fantasy games. He first appeared in the 1997 game Final Fantasy VII (7) as a former member of an elite group called SOLDIER who has since joined the rebellious group AVALANCHE.

Cloud has since become one of the most recognizable and popular characters in the series. He is known for his distinct look, which includes bright, spiky blond hair, blue eyes, and a perpetually angry expression.


His clothing style is distinctively Gothic, with a sleeveless, black turtleneck top, a single pauldron on his left shoulder, black pants with multiple belts, and a single pauldron on his left shoulder.

Cloud is also known for his incredibly large and iconic weapon, the Buster Sword. Realistically, the Buster Sword looks like a large broadsword, with a double-edged straight blade extending from a handle wider than the blade itself.

The end of the blade is split and also wider than the blade itself, giving the appearance of a lightning bolt. The blade is largely a uniform light brown color. The handguard is a simple, dark grey, unadorned rectangle, and there is the appearance of a rivet in each corner.

Description of Cloud Strife’s appearance, personality, and significance in Final Fantasy lore.

Cloud Strife, as he appears in Final Fantasy VII, is a lean, tall, and muscular young man with spikey blond hair and bright, intense eyes. He is often perceived as cool and confident, exuding a sense of strength and independence. However, it’s undeniable that this strong sense of self masks a great deal of inner turmoil and self-doubt.


After all, Cloud was created in a lab by a scientist named Hojo, who injected him with cells from an alien life form called Jenova when he was a fetus. This was all part of a twisted plan by the scientist to create human beings with superhuman abilities that would help in the fight against the evil alien, Sephiroth. As a result, Cloud suffers from an intense internal struggle, as the cells in his body from Jenova cause him to experience feelings and thoughts of Sephiroth due to their connection.

Nevertheless, he remained a very popular character due to the complexities of his background and personality, as well as his role as the game protagonist. In fact, Cloud Strife is often considered as one of the quintessential faces of the Final Fantasy franchise, with his stoic and noble personality winning the hearts of fans everywhere. This can be seen through his recurring appearances in other Final Fantasy games and movies.

However, it is the strong symbolism and emotive value of his iconic weapon, the Buster Sword, that has particularly contributed to Cloud’s prominence in the franchise. As will be explored in the next sub-section of this guide, the weighty gravitas of the Buster Sword is essential in the accurate portrayal and recognition of Cloud Strife in cosplaying.

Discussion on the importance of the Buster Sword as Cloud’s signature weapon.

Cloud’s character revolves around the Buster Sword, a massive weapon that is difficult for anyone else to use or even lift. The significance of the Buster Sword to Cloud’s character can be interpreted as a physical manifestation of Cloud’s struggle with his identity and his past. One could go as far as to claim that the weapons characters use could be seen as an extension of themselves.

Just as how a person’s own actions, thoughts, and memories shape their identity, the choices that Cloud makes internally and then accepts externally are fully made and understood upon an acceptance of why Zack, a fellow soldier and Cloud’s best friend, gave the Buster Sword to him.

The slow progression across the games and film thus can show and does create a connection between the character that the player is controlling and something deeper: Cloud’s mind.


With more and more being discovered about Cloud’s true persona and how he developed another interpretation of what really happened after the incident in Nibelheim, the Buster Sword will always represent and give a reminder to the person who really went through it and who really developed a sense of knowing how to come to terms with that.

By giving meaning to Cloud’s iconic weapon, players (especially long-term fans) are even more incentivized to find out Cloud’s true history and what he had to overcome as visual experiences become somewhat clearer as each game is played; therefore making the character’s journey ideally more epic and emotional.

In the Final Fantasy series, the Buster Sword itself represents a symbol of hope and realization of finding out who you truly are, not only through Cloud’s story but also with Zack’s legacy.

Choosing the Right Buster Sword Replica

Being able to purchase Cloud Strife Sword replicas for Final Fantasy fans is a big deal. Being able to purchase quality Buster Sword replica and feel like it is practically authentic is a bigger deal. In addition to the visual aspects, it is also important to pay attention to the functionality and suitability of a Buster Sword. Material is the very first thing to look at.

Since a Buster Sword is generally quite heavy and large, the material has to be strong to support its own weight. In the Final Fantasy series, Buster Swords are usually depicted as a super large sword and are used by characters with high physical strength. As a result, many game designers and also fans agree that a solid metal, such as stainless steel, is the most ideal material to produce a Buster Sword.

Another very important aspect is whether the Buster Sword is cosmetically perfect. Every Buster Sword in the market claims to be well-crafted, but only a few of them actually look like the ones in the game. For example, Cloud Strife Buster Swords should look old and hefty, with decorations and engravings near the guard and on the blade.

Buyers should take a good look at the accuracy of the Buster Sword and make sure it is exactly the same as the one in the game. Additionally, buyers should check the sharpness of the blade, especially when the Buster Sword is purchased for cosplay purposes. Most of the time, a dull blade is already enough to cause serious accidents, not to mention a sharp one.

By analyzing these reviews in an objective manner, it can be concluded that the consumers are generally satisfied with their purchase. However, they still give some cautions and reminders to the potential customers when picking the right Buster Sword replica. The comparison seems to suggest that the last product stands out from the others. Served as an extra information, it is noted that the original design of the Buster Sword is from the game Final Fantasy 7.

Preparing for Your Cloud Strife Cosplay

When selecting the replica, it is important to study the different options and prioritize trusted sources. For example, searching for “Buster Sword replica” on Amazon yields a variety of choices, ranging from $30 to over $500. If you want to know more about buying the best Buster Sword replicas, you can check out my other article here. On the other hand, for fans who are enthusiastic about painting and assembling their own Buster Sword, PVC pipes, foam, and wooden planks can be purchased from hardware stores for a do-it-yourself experience.

Factors to consider include the material, size, weight, and details advertised, as well as the product rating and any available customer reviews. Once the order is placed and the Buster Sword is being shipped, it is natural to be excited and eager to receive the replica. During this waiting period, take advantage of the time to begin researching on the next steps to take to complete the Cloud Strife cosplay. This could be brainstorming ideas for the attire, hair, and accessories.

One could also watch or rewatch Final Fantasy VII to observe Cloud’s posture and interactions with other characters, paying close attention to his voice lines and actions in cutscenes for inspiration on bringing that personality into the real world. All in all, remember that fandom and passion have no expiration date; take time to love the intricacies of the process, appreciate the moments from the franchise encored in the research, and keep an open mind in learning new things about Cloud Strife that have never been realized before.

Preparing for the cosplay is an equally fulfilling experience, and when the effort is put in, the end result-the chance to be Cloud Strife on stage or in front of a camera-will definitely be a special and memorable happening.

Analyzing Cloud’s attire, hairstyle, and mannerisms

Moving on to actually researching and studying all things Cloud. I began this process by playing Final Fantasy VII Remake again and taking in all those little details about how Cloud looks, behaves, and acts. I took a good look at his mannerisms, such as how he stands and walks. This helps me to think about how I personally can bring Cloud to life, as well as mimicking how he is in the game as much as possible.

In addition, this helps when thinking about what kind of poses I could do for pictures. I also spent a good amount of time looking at the in-game model for Cloud. You know, checking each angle and close-up of his design so I can get a really good idea of how his outfit is put together. For example, looking at how his shoulder armor is connected to his top. This would then help me when thinking about how to make his outfit too.

Another thing I looked into was what Tetsuya Nomura (the creator of Cloud Strife) has said about his character. Nomura has stated that Cloud was designed as to contradict the main type of hero from past Final Fantasy characters. This then gives me an idea of how Cloud is meant to be perceived, helping with coming up with poses or expressions.

At the end of the day, doing a good amount of research and study into how Cloud is meant to be portrayed will help massively in getting a realistic and authentic look. Even just noting down little things can help too – for example, I have a note in my phone that just says “Cloud clenches his fist a lot”. This is a good little reminder for me to add some character to how Cloud’s portrayed which will then help me remember to act in character whenever I’m cosplaying as him.

Gathering Costume Components

The most recognizable and significant part of Cloud’s attire is his SOLDIER uniform. Unfortunately, the uniform is not a general costume item, which means that it might be more difficult to find and will likely be more expensive than other parts of the costume.

There is the option to make the costume from scratch – which can be a fun and rewarding challenge – but it might also be even more time-consuming and costly, especially if it’s your first cosplay attempt.

However, if you decide to take this route, detailed patterns and instructions for the SOLDIER uniform can be purchased online, which can help you get started. For a faster, simpler, and more cost-effective alternative to making your own uniform, you might want to consider looking online or in specialist anime and cosplay stores for a pre-made option.

Be sure to look for a costume that includes all the details needed to recreate Cloud’s uniform faithfully, such as the belt, the distinctive silver sleeve, and the SOLDIER logo.

Also, keep in mind that clothing sizes can vary between Asian, American, and European manufacturers, so check your measurements against sizing guidelines before making a purchase.

Alternatively, you can find and buy the different components of the SOLDIER uniform separately. Second-hand belts or gloves that can be modified, customized, and combined to create the uniform can often be found on online marketplaces and specialist stores.

Be prepared to put in time and effort into sewing or modifying different clothing elements to fit your vision for the uniform, but the process of personalizing your costume can be very satisfying!

Tips for acquiring or creating Cloud’s gloves, boots, and distinctive hairstyle

All of these products and accessories can be discovered easily by either searching for them in online stores such as eBay or Amazon, or finding specialty cosmetic shops near you. By following these tips, you can successfully gather the main components of Cloud Strife’s outfit. Although it may seem a little daunting, especially with such a large sword to also acquire or produce, the process of finding everything and putting the costume together can be almost as fun as wearing it to a convention! Just make sure to be careful when gathering or making the costume, and always ask for help or advice if you’re unsure about anything in the process.

There are many suitable products for accomplishing Cloud’s hairstyle available for purchase at beauty stores or online. Styling gel or wax, hair glue and hair spray are useful for shaping the multiple spiked stubs of hair that characterizes Cloud’s distinctive appearance. Additionally, cosplayers might consider looking for a wig if they don’t want to dye their hair or if it doesn’t match Cloud’s color. Wigs offer a great deal of flexibility and can produce the same professional, authentic results.

When it comes to boots, most costumes require that you wear black boots that come up to the mid-calf. They don’t need to be a specific style, as long as they’re plain black. Some cosplayers will choose to paint white laces black on a pair of plain black work boots if they don’t want to buy a new pair of boots. Use acrylic paint and cover the laces entirely with black paint, so no white shows through.

Thirdly, let’s talk about the gloves. Look for a pair of black, fingerless gloves, which can be found in costume shops, online stores like Amazon, or retail stores that sell clothing and accessories. If you can’t find fingerless gloves that match Cloud’s, you may consider modifying an existing pair by cutting off the fingers. Be sure to measure carefully and have a trusted adult help you with any cutting.

Bringing Cloud Strife to Life

Finally yet importantly, whenever you come across a good scene acting out as Cloud through playing the game or watching a movie, write it down on a piece of paper and bring it along with you whenever you are in the practicing mood. Set aside some time before or after the acting to read over, consider the context under which Cloud acts like this and what does it tell the player about Cloud, i.e. character’s unique point of view, feelings, etc. It has always been a very good practice to keep up with and understand the consistent character portrayal.

Another tip for this step is to find a space where you can comfortably walk around in order to receive and act out one or two minute scene suggestions (like sad, angry, discouraged, etc.). And of course, each time you walk into this space, do not forget to first play the infamous “Those Chosen By The Planet” theme, given that it is essentially Cloud’s “battle” theme and it will absolutely help you get into character in no time!

Always remember that Cloud is a classic “man of few words”; consider starting with small, polite head nods instead of verbal greetings when interacting with other characters in this hauntingly quiet persona.

Secondly and quite importantly, when practicing character portrayal, always pay attention to Cloud’s posture and expressions. Cloud is known for his brooding, stand-offish attitude – he often appears serious and cold. Make sure your shoulders are slightly hunched, and you maintain a degree of distance between yourself and others through your body language.

First and foremost, when developing your Cloud Strife persona, consider starting with a simple character analysis. Think about his role in Final Fantasy VII and the way he interacts with others: how does he normally present himself?

Practicing Character Portrayal (Techniques for embodying Cloud’s demeanor, posture, and expressions)

Safety and Usage Tips for Heavy Swords

When it comes to safety and practicality, it is important to handle replica swords with care, especially in the context of cosplay. Responsible cosplay practices emphasize the importance of following safety measures.

  • Proper Grip and Stance: When handling a heavy sword, ensure you have a secure grip with both hands. Use a stance that provides stability and balance, distributing the weight evenly to prevent strain or loss of control.
  • Warm-Up and Stretch: Before engaging in sword practice with a heavy weapon, warm up your muscles and perform stretching exercises to prevent muscle strain and injury.
  • Mindful Movement: Execute sword movements with precision and control. Avoid sudden, jerky motions that can lead to loss of balance or accidental injuries to yourself or others.
  • Footwear: Wear appropriate footwear with good traction to maintain stability and prevent slips or falls, especially when practicing on uneven or slippery surfaces.
  • Clear Space: Ensure you have ample space to maneuver the heavy sword safely. Remove any obstacles or clutter from your practice area to minimize the risk of accidental collisions.
  • Gradual Progression: Start with lighter swords or practice weapons before advancing to heavier ones. Gradually increase the weight and intensity of your training to build strength and endurance over time.
  • Rest and Recovery: Take regular breaks during training sessions to rest and allow your muscles to recover. Overexertion can lead to fatigue and compromise your ability to handle the heavy sword safely.
  • Inspect Equipment: Regularly inspect the heavy sword for signs of wear, damage, or loose components. Repair or replace any worn-out parts to maintain optimal performance and safety.
  • Avoid Overhead Swings: Exercise caution when performing overhead swings with a heavy sword, especially in confined spaces or crowded environments. Opt for controlled horizontal or diagonal strikes to minimize the risk of accidental collisions.
  • Supervision and Training: Seek guidance from experienced instructors or mentors to learn proper sword techniques and safety protocols. Participate in structured training programs to develop proficiency and confidence in handling heavy swords safely and effectively.

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